Choose Your Friends Wisely

Choose Your Friends Wisely

Hey, little buddies! “Like a trampled spring and a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.”  That’s Proverbs 25:26 and it contains a principle that I hope you’ll pay careful attention to. Have you ever drunk from a spring?  I have many...
Don’t Harden Your Neck

Don’t Harden Your Neck

Don’t Harden Your Neck Hey, little buddies! Proverbs 29:1 says, “A man who hardens his neck after much reproof will suddenly be broken beyond remedy.”  A hard neck is talking about a  horse that doesn’t want to obey the rider.  When the rider pulls on the reins...
Honor the Elderly

Honor the Elderly

Honor the Elderly Hey, little buddies! A few days ago, a friend of our family went to heaven. His name was Charlie Reed and he was 93 years old.  Mr. Reed was a soldier in World War II.  That’s a long time ago now, but there are still some old soldiers living who...
We Are Not in This Race Alone!

We Are Not in This Race Alone!

We Are Not in this Race Alone! Hey, little buddies! It was beautiful out this morning, so when I got to the farm I was looking forward to giving Major, Daisy and Mosby a nice run behind the truck.  That’s a ritual we enjoy together almost every day that the ground is...
God Made You Just the Way You Are!

God Made You Just the Way You Are!

Have you ever felt inferior? Have you ever felt bad because your brother or your sister or your friend could do certain things better than you? I used to. When I was a boy I had a terrible feeling of inferiority. My older brother was good at sports and smart in...

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