God Is Watching!

God Is Watching!

Hey, little buddies! I was just reading some great quotes by Thomas Jefferson. One of them was about controlling ourselves and doing what’s right even if nobody knows what we’re doing. His suggestion was to act as if EVERYBODY knew. He said, “When...

Puppy is Not a Dog

Puppy is Not a Dog – a glimpse into uncle rick’s life If you ever thought about it, you would probably expect that the Boyer family has had a lot of pets over the years. After all, Miz Marilyn and I raised fourteen children. And children love pets....

Meet Mosby

Hey, little buddies! I’d like you to meet my buddy, Mosby. Mosby came to me as a roly-poly, eight-week-old puppy.  He is a yellow Labrador Retriever and his puppy coat was nearly white! He loved to chew on things and chase things, as puppies always do.  It had...