Hurray for Molly Pitcher!

Hurray for Molly Pitcher!

Hurray for Molly Pitcher   Hey, little buddies! Have you ever heard of Molly Pitcher?  That wasn’t her real name.  Her real name was Molly Hays.  She got her famous nickname in the Battle of Monmouth in the Revolutionary War.  Molly’s husband, John was a gunner...
Do You Honor Your Parents?

Do You Honor Your Parents?

Do You Honor Your Parents?   Hey, little buddies! Do you honor your parents?  You may wonder how you can know if you’re honoring them.  One way is to ask yourself if they feel honored.  If they do, you’re probably doing pretty well.  If they don’t, you need to...
One of My Favorite Heroes

One of My Favorite Heroes

One of My Favorite Heroes   Hey little buddies! I love the wisdom of old Benjamin Franklin.  He’s one of my favorite heroes.  There’s a whole chapter about him in For You They Signed.  Franklin  talked about a lot of important things with such wisdom!  Here are some...
Why Do We Read Books?

Why Do We Read Books?

Why Do We Read Books?   Hey, little buddies! Why do we read books?  Books are toys that give us many good times.  They are also tools.  Books can be used to learn how to cook or make things or fix things that are broken.  One of my favorite things is to read old...
Keep a Good Name

Keep a Good Name

Hey, little buddies!   Proverbs 22:1 says, “A good name is more to be desired than great riches.”  Very true!   If you were very rich but nobody liked you, you wouldn’t be a very happy person.  On the other hand, the happiest people in the world aren’t those who have...