Learning To do Your Duty

Learning To do Your Duty

Hey, little buddies!   George Washington once said, “Make sure you are doing what God wants you to do–then do it with all your strength.”  You might be surprised how many people you know are drifting through life, just doing enough to get by.  Many people go to...
True Courage

True Courage

Hey, little buddies!   Have you ever thought about courage?  What it really means to be brave?   Most of us think of a brave man as a man who isn’t afraid.  But that’s all wrong.  A big bully who likes to pick fights with littler kids isn’t brave.  He’s not afraid of...

Treat Others as You’d Like to be Treated

Hey, little buddies!   When I was ten, my parents bought me a BB gun for Christmas.  I loved that gun.  My friends and I had so much fun hunting and target practicing!  We would search the roadside ditches for soft drink bottles, which in those days were made of glass...