God Made You Just the Way You Are!

God Made You Just the Way You Are!

Have you ever felt inferior? Have you ever felt bad because your brother or your sister or your friend could do certain things better than you? I used to. When I was a boy I had a terrible feeling of inferiority. My older brother was good at sports and smart in...
A Fast Run And A Sudden Stop

A Fast Run And A Sudden Stop

One day when I was a boy, I walked over to the home of my friend, Butch.  I had my dog, Spike on a leash and he walked with me.  I knocked on the door, but no one answered.  So Spike and I turned around to start the half-mile trip back home.  We left Butch’s...
The Black-Robed Regiment

The Black-Robed Regiment

Hey, little buddies! I love stories about the Revolutionary War.  There’s so much excitement and so many stories of heroism!  It’s inspiring.  And oh, so many great men and women to admire.  Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Nathan Hale—and so many more. One hero of...
Be a Strong and Loyal Patriot

Be a Strong and Loyal Patriot

Hey, little buddies! One of my favorite quotes comes from Patrick Henry’s famous speech when he said, “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for...
The True Test of Love

The True Test of Love

Hey, little buddies! We all want to be loved, don’t we? One of the things that make life worth living is the feeling that others love us and we love them. The true test of love is not what we say, but what we do. It’s easy to say that we love people, but it’s when we...