Powerful Words

Powerful Words

Hey, little buddies! Last week I wrote to you about being careful how we use words. Have you ever thought about how powerful words are? I used to have a bad habit of insulting my friends. I guess I picked it up from watching television. It seems on TV everybody always...
Is it Safe to Drink?

Is it Safe to Drink?

Hey Little Buddies, “Like a trampled spring and a polluted well, is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.” That’s Proverbs 25:26 and it contains a principle that I hope you’ll pay careful attention to. Have you ever drunk from a spring? I have, many times....
Saturday Stories

Saturday Stories

It was early morning on May 30, 1806. Two men, coincidentally both lawyers, had ridden two days for this occasion. One would someday be a President of the United States. One would soon be dead. Andrew Jackson and Charles Dickson had come to blows in the time-honored...