One thing in my life that I really, really, love is family night.
That’s when my children and grandchildren all come up to my house for a special time. Sometimes not everybody can come…maybe someone has to work, or if there are sick grand kids, they have to stay home with their mom or dad, but most of the family usually makes it to Granddad and Nana’s house on family night.
It’s a fun time. And it’s a noisy time, too! (There are almost 40 of us, now!)
We usually do this on Friday nights. Sometimes Friday doesn’t work because there’s a special program at church or some other thing that a lot of us want to go to, so we do family night on Saturday evening instead.
Everybody brings food and we have supper together. Then the adults sit around and talk and laugh while the children play.
Sometimes we get out the old hymn books and sing hymns. Many times, we have a birthday to celebrate all together.
The grandchildren all love my dog, Mosby.
Mosby is a tracking dog.